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Project: Technology Assessment/Feasibility Study/Remedial Plan - Metal Fabricator
Client: Confidential Client
Services: Evaluated various technologies available to remediate soil contamination at various site locations. Selected bioremediation/vapor recovery, assessed feasibility, developed budget, and developed remediation plan.
Project: Technology Assessment/Remedial Plan - Truck Repair Yard
Client: Confidential Client
Services: Assessed various technologies available for remediating petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil. Developed remediation plan and budget.
Project: Technology Assessment/Feasibility Study/Remedial Plan - Screw Machine Parts Manufacturer
Client: Confidential Client
Services: Evaluated various technologies available to remediate volatile organics soil contamination. Selected enhanced vapor recovery. Assessed project feasibility, developed remediation workplan, developed budget.
Project: Feasibility Assessment/Remedial Plan - Auto Dealership
Client: Confidential Client
Services: Performed feasibility assessment and cost-effectiveness evaluation of preselected remediation technology. Developed workplan and budget.

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